Related Work or Literature Studies
Problem Domain
Problem Definition
Innovative Content
Problem Formulation or Representation or Design
Solution Methodologies or Problem Solving
Results and Sensitivity Analysis
Data Model
Comparison of Results
Justification of the Results
Future work (if any)
Acknowledgement (if any)
» A very brief announcement of the research work in few words without any details. The title should enable a reader either to skip as a non interested topic or to lead further to the abstract as a possible subject of interest.
» The abstract is a place where a reader decides for final as to whether the paper is a subject of his interest or not. It is not just whatever you write and then you identify it by the keyword abstract to satisfy the paper norm.
The abstract has the following properties:
» The key words are only such of those which capture a wider range of subject matter behind and not just words for the sake of keywords.
» The objective of the Introduction is to prepare the reader to understand the rest of the paper. It places the background work in a non theoretical context, and enables the reader to understand and appreciate your objectives and research.
» Describe the importance (significance) of the study - why was this worth doing in the first place? Provide a broad context.
» Defend the model - why did you use this particular system? What are its advantages? The practical reasons for using it.
» Describe the experimental design and how it accomplished the stated objectives
The introduction has a purpose. Every paragraph should be an introduction
Related Work or Literature Studies
» Here is the place where a reader gets a very brief of each of the main references you have heavily relied on. There should be a para each for each of such references. The properties of related works are :
» The level of your involvement is to the point where bring out in brief :
» The motivation is the place where every reader would find it fascinating of the the emergence of your thought process. Motivation has two components you should narrate :
» This option gives the reader a broader view of the subject domain within which your problem lies. A knowledge of the same is essential for one to progress further. It is as though you are moving on the outer concentric circles of the research domain without dwelling deeper into the inner most circle of the core subject matter.
»The subject matter may be the domain of mathematics , technologies , theories , solutions , Algorithms ,etc.
» The problem definition can be a maximum of one or two paragraphs where you reach the innermost of the concentric circles narrated above. The reader gets a precise view of the problem.
» Here you state the problem very specific in one or two sentences . Note that it is from here that you derive the title for the research paper , as a more abstract and compact form definition has been generated.
» A para each on the innovative content relative to each main reference you ave referred.
Problem Formulation or Representation or Design
» The problem once stated should be captured in a model with the following properties:
Solution Methodologies or Problem Solving
» Problem solving consists of using generic or ad hoc methods, in an orderly manner, for finding solutions to problems. Some of the problem-solving techniques developed and used in artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, etc. are related to mental problem-solving techniques.
Results and Sensitivity Analysis
» The result should be based on different sets of inputs and the range within which the results hold.
» An Excel sheet like data model depicting diverse inputs where for each type of input , the process involved and the corresponding out obtained may be tabulated.
» Compare with the related works and represent it through the graphical or tabular method. The comparison should not be based on a single set of data as that would be a false contribution.
» Justifying the results relative to the references.
» Summarizes the research and discusses its significance
» Suggest future directions, such as how the experiment might be modified to accomplish another objective.
» Acknowledgements enable you to thank all those who have helped in carrying out the research.
»Cite all sources used
NOTE: Prospective authors are invited to submit full (original) research papers; which are NOT submitted/published/under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journals; in electronic (Doc or Docx) format through the CMT Conference Management System or via email papers.asit@gmail.com.
All the paper must conform to specific format and must be submitted as Microsoft Word DOC or DOCX format only not exceeding stipulated pages including text, figures, tables and references.